TY so far has been amazing, I am really enjoying it and i would definatly reccomend it to anyone. Since the beginning of the academic year we have been to carlingford, done our work experience and so many other things. I have reconnected with friends I lost contact with after we left primary school and made so many other friends. Myself and Siobhan have got on exceptionally well, going for our daily walks during lunch just cos she can't stay still for very long.
The amount of projects has not overloaded me, I thought that whenever a teacher said we had to do a project I would have hours upon hours sat infront on my computer just doing research but they really weren't that bad, of course research had to be done but it wasnt taking over my whole day.
The amount of competitions that we have entered as groups and as a class is pretty amazing.
So far we have entered the F1 in Schools competition, which my group made it through to, the Margaret Aylward Drama competition, The Young Scientist, SciFest, the Briery Gap Drama competition and the Mini Company competition.
Its all really fun and I hope the rest of the year is as good as the beginning.
Blog again soon
Oh yeah our daily walks ;) and your trees.......